Friday, July 28, 2006

Trader Joe's Organic milk gets four cows in my book

Earlier I blogged about my difficulties finding organic milk that wasn't factory farmed. Well I'm 90% sure that Trader Joe's organic whole and 2% milk is Straus Family milk and therefore four cows.

  • Trader Joes sells Straus Family Yogurt.
  • Straus Family milk is unhomogenized
  • Trader Joe's whole and 2% milk is unhomogenized.

Note that the 1% milk and other homogenized milk is NOT Straus Family milk. Therefore the cows are not guaranteed to have the idyllic conditions seen here,

but more like here

Technorati tags:organic food,organic milk,Trader Joe's


Anonymous said...

You can tell where the dairy came from by the plant code stamp on each product. The first two numbers are the state and the last set of numbers is the specific plant. Strauss is 06-93 and Rockview is 06-98. My Trader Joes whole milk is from Rockview.

Anonymous said...

I buy the 1% organic milk from Trader Joes and checked the plant number, 691 and it's Clover Milk. I'm very happy! The site I used to check the plant number is This is for Pacific Coast only.