Saturday, September 23, 2006

My husband blacked out

On Thursday night my husband C "blacked out" (his words) and a very kind friend took him to Urgent Care while I stayed home with the kids. Urgent Care said he was dehydrated and gave him IV fluids. Ironically my cat received the same treatment earlier in the week.

Urgent Care thought he had pneumonia as did his doctor on Tuesday. However, his chest x-ray on Tuesday didn't show pneumonia and the preliminary results from the x-ray on Thursday pneumonia didn't show pneumonia either.

Today he'll have been sick for four weeks. His breathing and coughing are worse than ever. He still has a low-grade fever and night sweats. The antibiotics his doctor gave him don't appear to be doing anything. We go to a different doctor today.

I really don't know what to think. Mostly I try not to think about it too much. My recent experience with illness that lasts longer than a few days hasn't been good.

1 comment:

Andrew McAllister said...

That sounds horrible, and must be incredibly stressful to not know what is going on. I hope the new doc can provide some answers.

To Love, Honor and Dismay