Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My brother's wedding

After spending hours and even days talking to people, casting an invocation and giving a speech at my brother's wedding, I'm tired and even a little dizzy.

His wedding ceremony was in the "meadow" really sea grasses at Asilomar in Monterey. The day of the rehearsal was overcast and gray and beastly cold, but the sun shone brightly on the wedding day and even in sleeveless silk tops we bridesmaids were warm. Of course the bride was beautiful. It was lovely to see all my English relatives, but unfortunately we were incredibly tired, and it was a three-day affair. And after the first day we were already exhausted.

Special K ran around delighted and smiling and occasionally collapsed into a few meltdowns, because she stayed up until midnight and took no naps. She loved playing with her cousins and wandering up on stage during the speeches. When my uncle asked if anyone knew of any reason why the couple could not be lawfully wed, Special K said loudly "I want to be loud!". While the bride's family and friends were singing during the service, Special K and some of her little cousins sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" a little distance away. Little T laughed and smiled as long as we were holding him and cried if someone else held him or he was in the car. He tweaked a lot of noses over the weekend.

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